Combined Speech and Debate Rankings

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Displaying records 301 - 360 of 1541 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
301st 41.681
302nd 41.507
303rd 41.336
304th 41.17
305th 40.919
306th 40.718
307th 40.428
308th 40.374
309th 40.369
310th 40.167
311th 40.149
312th 39.952
313th 39.817
314th 39.602
315th 39.501
316th 39.425
317th 39.038
318th 38.663
319th 38.605
320th 38.595
321st 38.478
322nd 38.024
323rd 37.687
324th 37.142
325th 36.93
326th 36.746
327th 36.681
328th 36.525
329th 36.5
330th 36.312
331st 36.255
332nd 36.157
333rd 36.115
334th 35.973
335th 35.892
336th 35.791
337th 35.677
338th 35.646
339th 35.557
340th 35.439
341st 35.006
342nd 34.543
343rd 34.528
344th 34.312
345th 34.18
346th 34.101
346th 34.101
348th 33.977
349th 33.882
350th 33.591
351st 33.545
352nd 33.438
353rd 33.272
354th 33.244
355th 33.242
356th 33.032
357th 32.924
358th 32.735
359th 32.706
360th 32.643