- Kansas

Debate Club: Prairie Fire
Speech Club: Prairie Fire

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 59.645 Speech Rank Points: 34.684
National Rank: 216th National Speech Rank: 244th
KS Rank: 3rd KS Speech Rank: 3rd
Event National Rank KS Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 177th 2nd 6.986 ✔
flag 214th 2nd 8.838
flag 132nd 1st 3.776
flag 47th 3rd 7.23 ✔
flag 106th 2nd 7.854 ✔
flag 70th 1st 18.711 ✔✔
flag 95th 1st 13.203 ✔✔✔
flag 98th 3rd 6.25 ✔
flag 226th 2nd 4.854 ✔

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