- Texas

Debate Club: Prudentia
Speech Club: Prudentia

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 28.553 Speech Rank Points: 20.141
National Rank: 394th National Speech Rank: 359th
TX Rank: 56th TX Speech Rank: 52nd
Event National Rank TX Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 27th 6th 7.133 ✔
flag 79th 7th 7.573 ✔✔
flag 139th 24th 5.435 ✔
flag 188th 32nd 6.272
flag 173rd 31st 6.556 ✔
flag 208th 30th 2.14
flag 353rd 51st 2.295

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.