- Illinois

Debate Club: LAUNCH
Speech Club: LAUNCH

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 506.016 Speech Rank Points: 429.478
National Rank: 2nd National Speech Rank: 2nd
IL Rank: 1st IL Speech Rank: 1st
Event National Rank IL Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 3rd 1st 120 ✔x7
flag 3rd 1st 71 ✔x8
flag 5th 1st 122.75 ✔x6
flag 11th 1st 35.667 ✔x7
flag 21st 1st 15.917 ✔✔
flag 92nd 1st 9.5 ✔✔
flag 49th 1st 8.544 ✔✔✔
flag 10th 1st 46.1 ✔x5
flag 108th 1st 11.967 ✔✔✔
flag 34th 1st 31.25 ✔x4
flag 23rd 1st 20.767 ✔✔
flag 125th 15th 4.313 ✔
flag 169th 8th 2.857 ✔
flag 17th 1st 24 ✔
flag 41st 3rd 29.8 ✔x5
flag 37th 1st 21.714 ✔x4
flag 232nd 2nd 2.818 ✔
flag 18th 1st 70.889 ✔x5

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