- Colorado

Debate Club: SALT
Speech Club: SALT

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 54.908 Speech Rank Points: 49.183
National Rank: 229th National Speech Rank: 171st
CO Rank: 34th CO Speech Rank: 27th
Event National Rank CO Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 62nd 21st 2.944
flag 66th 18th 4.119
flag 78th 11th 9.278 ✔✔
flag 232nd 38th 8.022
flag 110th 19th 5.143 ✔
flag 91st 13th 9.685 ✔✔
flag 74th 13th 9.992 ✔✔
flag 238th 43rd 2.679
flag 173rd 32nd 4.296
flag 114th 16th 15.541 ✔x4

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.