- Virginia

Debate Club: Vector
Speech Club: Vector

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 14.087 Speech Rank Points: 9.014
National Rank: 642nd National Speech Rank: 624th
VA Rank: 55th VA Speech Rank: 56th
Event National Rank VA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 415th 34th 2.278
flag 233rd 18th 2.105
flag 707th 54th 1.524
flag 332nd 25th 1.571
flag 266th 39th 1.536
flag 174th 15th 2.773
flag 220th 19th 4.94 ✔
flag 259th 19th 2.3
flag 576th 40th 1.278

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.