- California

Debate Club: Contend Speech & Debate
Speech Club: Contend Speech & Debate

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 56.936 Speech Rank Points: 18.772
National Rank: 221st National Speech Rank: 377th
CA Rank: 49th CA Speech Rank: 82nd
Event National Rank CA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 173rd 47th 7.231 ✔
flag 292nd 59th 5.923 ✔
flag 139th 32nd 3.565
flag 301st 73rd 2.053
flag 30th 8th 35.8 ✔x4
flag 68th 18th 19.05 ✔x4
flag 192nd 36th 2.364
flag 231st 40th 4.727 ✔

Clicking on the name of an event will display all tournament scores for that entry.