- Georgia

Debate Club: EAGLES Speaks
Speech Club: EAGLES Speaks

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 195.55 Speech Rank Points: 160.359
National Rank: 38th National Speech Rank: 30th
GA Rank: 2nd GA Speech Rank: 2nd
Event National Rank GA Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 52nd 1st 27 ✔x4
flag 20th 1st 9.333 ✔✔
flag 88th 4th 8.534 ✔
flag 42nd 4th 46.3 ✔x4
flag 50th 3rd 15.692 ✔✔✔
flag 8th 1st 53.5 ✔x4
flag 50th 3rd 26.824 ✔✔✔
flag 76th 4th 17.5 ✔x4
flag 75th 5th 8.367 ✔✔
flag 92nd 8th 13.896 ✔✔

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