Combined Speech and Debate Rankings

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Displaying records 361 - 420 of 1541 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
361st 32.54
362nd 32.52
363rd 32.424
364th 32.404
365th 32.312
366th 31.945
367th 31.936
368th 31.929
369th 31.891
370th 31.857
371st 31.843
372nd 31.735
373rd 31.697
374th 31.618
375th 31.575
376th 31.527
377th 31.505
378th 31.5
379th 31.434
380th 31.422
381st 31.298
382nd 31.283
383rd 31.239
384th 30.867
385th 30.779
386th 30.645
387th 30.584
388th 30.567
389th 30.456
390th 30.152
391st 29.52
392nd 29.509
393rd 29.356
394th 28.992
395th 28.973
396th 28.903
397th 28.872
398th 28.824
399th 28.819
400th 28.759
401st 28.676
402nd 28.643
403rd 28.557
404th 28.553
405th 28.447
406th 28.419
407th 28.304
408th 28.202
409th 28.112
410th 27.946
411th 27.818
412th 27.497
413th 27.486
414th 27.314
415th 27.13
416th 26.833
417th 26.813
418th 26.758
419th 26.706
420th 26.701