- Illinois

Debate Club: Aspire
Speech Club: Aspire

2024-2025 Results

Rank Points: 23.677 Speech Rank Points: 19.244
National Rank: 447th National Speech Rank: 372nd
IL Rank: 7th IL Speech Rank: 5th
Event National Rank IL Rank Points Partner Check Marks
flag 148th 3rd 8.901 ✔
flag 229th 5th 2.174
flag 532nd 6th 2.652
flag 107th 3rd 2.788
flag 242nd 2nd 2.729
flag 218th 7th 1.818
flag 403rd 8th 1.429
flag 240th 5th 2.615
flag 435th 7th 3

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