Tournament Info

League: Stoa
Location: Bermuda Dunes, California
Start date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
End date: Saturday, January 18, 2025



Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA EPIC2 65 ✔
2nd flag CA EPIC2 32.5 ✔
3rd flag AZ Death to Life 21.667 ✔
4th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 16.25 ✔
5th flag CA EPIC2 13 ✔
6th flag CA Axiom 10.833 ✔
7th flag CA Scarlet 9.286 ✔
8th flag CA Apollos 8.125 ✔
9th flag CA Ex Nihilo 7.222 ✔
10th flag CA Set Apart 6.5 ✔
11th flag CA Scarlet 5.909 ✔
12th flag CA Apollos 5.417 ✔
13th flag CA Ex Nihilo 5 ✔
14th flag WA Validus 4.643 ✔
15th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.333 ✔
16th flag CA EPIC2 4.063 ✔
17th flag AZ Death to Life 3.824 ✔
18th flag CA Half Baked 3.611 ✔
19th flag CA EPIC2 3.421 ✔
20th flag AZ Death to Life 3.25 ✔
21st flag AZ Death to Life 3.095 ✔
22nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.955 ✔
23rd flag CA Voyagers 2.826 ✔
24th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.708 ✔
25th flag CA Set Apart 2.6 ✔
26th flag CA EPIC2 2.5 ✔
27th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.407
28th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.321
29th flag AZ Apollos 2.241
30th flag CA Set Apart 2.167
31st flag CA Set Apart 2.097
32nd flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.031
33rd flag CA Apollos 1.97
34th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.912
35th flag CA Apollos 1.857
36th flag CA Set Apart 1.806
37th flag CA Scarlet 1.757
38th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.711
39th flag CA EPIC2 1.667
40th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.625
41st flag CA Set Apart 1.585
42nd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.548
43rd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.512
44th flag CA Set Apart 1.477
45th flag CA EPIC2 1.444
46th flag CA Scarlet 1.413
47th flag CA Set Apart 1.383
48th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.354
49th flag CA Set Apart 1.327
50th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.3
51st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.275
52nd flag CA Scarlet 1.25
53rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.226
54th flag CA Control 1.204
55th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.182

Dramatic Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA EPIC2 5 ✔
2nd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.667
4th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.25

Duo Interpretation

Place Team Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st - flag CA Ex Nihilo 12 ✔
2nd - flag CA SOPHOS 6 ✔
3rd - flag CA Scarlet 4 ✔
4th - flag CA SOPHOS 3 ✔
5th - flag CA Apollos 2.4
6th - flag CA Scarlet 2
7th - flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.714
8th - flag CA EPIC2 1.5
9th - flag CA Control 1.333
10th - flag CA Set Apart 1.2


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Scarlet 4 ✔
2nd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2
3rd flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.333


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Half Baked 26 ✔
2nd flag AZ Death to Life 13 ✔
3rd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 8.667 ✔
4th flag CA Axiom 6.5 ✔
5th flag FL Maxima 5.2 ✔
6th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 4.333 ✔
7th flag CA Apollos 3.714 ✔
8th flag CA Ex Nihilo 3.25 ✔
9th flag CA Set Apart 2.889 ✔
10th flag CA SOPHOS 2.6 ✔
11th flag CA Set Apart 2.364
12th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.167
13th flag CA Apollos 2
14th flag WA Validus 1.857
15th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.733
16th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.625
17th flag CA Set Apart 1.529
18th flag CA Half Baked 1.444
19th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.368
20th flag CA Control 1.3
21st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.238
22nd flag AZ Apollos 1.182

Humorous Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA EPIC2 6 ✔
2nd flag CA Set Apart 3 ✔
3rd flag CA Scarlet 2
4th flag CA EPIC2 1.5
5th flag CA Set Apart 1.2


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 25%?
1st flag CA EPIC2 63 ✔
2nd flag CA EPIC2 31.5 ✔
3rd flag AZ Death to Life 21 ✔
4th flag CA Half Baked 15.75 ✔
5th flag CA EPIC2 12.6 ✔
6th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 10.5 ✔
7th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 9 ✔
8th flag CA Apollos 7.875 ✔
9th flag CA Axiom 7 ✔
10th flag CA Scarlet 6.3 ✔
11th flag CA Set Apart 5.727 ✔
12th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 5.25 ✔
13th flag CA Set Apart 4.846 ✔
14th flag CA Half Baked 4.5 ✔
15th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 4.2 ✔
16th flag CA Scarlet 3.938
17th flag CA Apollos 3.706
18th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 3.5
19th flag CA Set Apart 3.316
20th flag CA Set Apart 3.15
21st flag CA EPIC2 3
22nd flag CA Scarlet 2.864
23rd flag WA Validus 2.739
24th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.625
25th flag CA EPIC2 2.52
26th flag CA Set Apart 2.423
27th flag CA SOPHOS 2.333
28th flag CA Set Apart 2.25
29th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.172
30th flag CA Apollos 2.1
31st flag CA Apollos 2.032
32nd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.969
33rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.909
34th flag CA SOPHOS 1.853
35th flag CA EPIC2 1.8
36th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.75
37th flag CA Control 1.703
38th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.658
39th flag CA Scarlet 1.615
40th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.575
41st flag CA Voyagers 1.537
42nd flag CA Control 1.5
43rd flag CA Set Apart 1.465
44th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.432
45th flag AZ Death to Life 1.4
46th flag AZ Death to Life 1.37
47th flag AZ Apollos 1.34
48th flag CA Scarlet 1.313
49th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.286
50th flag CA Control 1.26
51st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.235
52nd flag CA Set Apart 1.212
53rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.189

Mars Hill

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA EPIC2 25 ✔
2nd flag CA EPIC2 12.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 8.333 ✔
4th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 6.25 ✔
5th flag CA Apollos 5 ✔
6th flag CA EPIC2 4.167 ✔
7th flag CA Axiom 3.571 ✔
8th flag CA EPIC2 3.125 ✔
9th flag CA Set Apart 2.778 ✔
10th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.5 ✔
11th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.273
12th flag CA Half Baked 2.083
13th flag CA Set Apart 1.923
14th flag CA Half Baked 1.786
15th flag AZ Death to Life 1.667
16th flag CA Set Apart 1.563
17th flag CA Scarlet 1.471
18th flag CA Set Apart 1.389
19th flag CA SOPHOS 1.316
20th flag CA Set Apart 1.25
21st flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.19

Open Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA EPIC2 7 ✔
2nd flag CA Set Apart 3.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.333
4th flag CA EPIC2 1.75
5th flag WA Validus 1.4

Original Oratory

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Apollos 31 ✔
2nd flag CA Set Apart 15.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Apollos 10.333 ✔
4th flag CA SOPHOS 7.75 ✔
5th flag AZ Death to Life 6.2 ✔
6th flag CA Half Baked 5.167 ✔
7th flag CA SOPHOS 4.429 ✔
8th flag CA Scarlet 3.875 ✔
9th flag CA Apollos 3.444 ✔
10th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3.1 ✔
11th flag CA Control 2.818 ✔
12th flag CA EPIC2 2.583 ✔
13th flag CA Set Apart 2.385
14th flag CA EPIC2 2.214
15th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.067
16th flag CA Set Apart 1.938
17th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.824
18th flag CA EPIC2 1.722
19th flag CA Scarlet 1.632
20th flag CA Scarlet 1.55
21st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.476
22nd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.409
23rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.348
24th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.292
25th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.24
26th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.192


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag AZ Death to Life 18 ✔
2nd flag CA SOPHOS 9 ✔
3rd flag WA Validus 6 ✔
4th flag CA Ex Nihilo 4.5 ✔
5th flag CA SOPHOS 3.6 ✔
6th flag CA Apollos 3 ✔
7th flag CA Apollos 2.571 ✔
8th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.25
9th flag CA SOPHOS 2
10th flag CA SOPHOS 1.8
11th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.636
12th flag CA Scarlet 1.5
13th flag CA Control 1.385
14th flag CA Voyagers 1.286
15th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.2

Slam Poetry

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag WA Validus 38 ✔
2nd flag CA SOPHOS 19 ✔
3rd flag AZ Death to Life 12.667 ✔
4th flag CA Set Apart 9.5 ✔
5th flag AZ Death to Life 7.6 ✔
6th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 6.333 ✔
7th flag CA Set Apart 5.429 ✔
8th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.75 ✔
9th flag CA Scarlet 4.222 ✔
10th flag CA Scarlet 3.8 ✔
11th flag CA EPIC2 3.455 ✔
12th flag CA SOPHOS 3.167 ✔
13th flag CA Scarlet 2.923 ✔
14th flag CA Set Apart 2.714 ✔
15th flag CA Apollos 2.533 ✔
16th flag CA EPIC2 2.375
17th flag CA Apollos 2.235
18th flag CA EPIC2 2.111
19th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2
20th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.9
21st flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.81
22nd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.727
23rd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.652
24th flag CA Scarlet 1.583
25th flag AZ Death to Life 1.52
26th flag CA EPIC2 1.462
27th flag CA EPIC2 1.407
28th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.357
29th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.31
30th flag CA EPIC2 1.267
31st flag CA Set Apart 1.226
32nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.188

Lincoln Douglas Value Debate

Place Student Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st flag 6-0 6-0 CA Half Baked 40 ✔
2nd flag 6-0 6-0 CA EPIC2 20 ✔
3rd flag 6-0 6-0 CA Scarlet 13.333 ✔
4th flag 5-1 5-1 CA EPIC2 10 ✔
5th flag 5-1 5-1 CA EPIC2 8 ✔
6th flag 5-1 5-1 CA Apollos 6.667 ✔
7th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Ex Nihilo 5.714 ✔
8th flag 4-2 4-2 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 5 ✔
9th flag 4-2 4-2 CA EPIC2 4.444 ✔
10th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Scarlet 4 ✔
11th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Ex Nihilo 3.636 ✔
12th flag 4-2 4-2 CA SOPHOS 3.333 ✔
13th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Set Apart 3.077 ✔
14th flag 3-3 3-3 AZ Death to Life 2.857 ✔
15th flag 3-3 3-3 WA Validus 2.667 ✔
16th flag 3-3 3-3 CA SOPHOS 2.5
17th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Ex Nihilo 2.353
18th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Set Apart 2.222
19th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Scarlet 2.105
20th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Ex Nihilo 2
21st flag 3-3 3-3 CA Apollos 1.905
22nd flag 3-3 3-3 CA EPIC2 1.818
23rd flag 3-3 3-3 AZ Death to Life 1.739
24th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Voyagers 1.667
25th flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Death to Life 1.6
26th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ex Nihilo 1.538
27th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ex Nihilo 1.481
28th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Set Apart 1.429
29th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ex Nihilo 1.379
30th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Half Baked 1.333
31st flag 2-4 2-4 CA Scarlet 1.29
32nd flag 2-4 2-4 CA Set Apart 1.25
33rd flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.212
34th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Set Apart 1.2

Lincoln Douglas Value Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Half Baked 40 ✔
2nd flag CA Ex Nihilo 20 ✔
3rd flag CA EPIC2 13.333 ✔
4th flag CA EPIC2 10 ✔
5th flag CA Scarlet 8 ✔
6th flag CA EPIC2 6.667 ✔
7th flag CA Ex Nihilo 5.714 ✔
8th flag CA EPIC2 5 ✔
9th flag CA Apollos 4.444 ✔
10th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 4 ✔
11th flag CA Scarlet 3.636 ✔
12th flag CA SOPHOS 3.333 ✔
13th flag AZ Death to Life 3.077 ✔
14th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.857 ✔
15th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.667 ✔
16th flag AZ Death to Life 2.5 ✔
17th flag WA Validus 2.353
18th flag CA SOPHOS 2.222
19th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.105
20th flag CA EPIC2 2
21st flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.905
22nd flag CA Half Baked 1.818
23rd flag CA Apollos 1.739
24th flag CA Set Apart 1.667
25th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.6
26th flag CA Set Apart 1.538
27th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.481
28th flag CA Voyagers 1.429
29th flag CA Set Apart 1.379
30th flag CA Scarlet 1.333
31st flag WA Validus 1.29
32nd flag CA Set Apart 1.25
33rd flag AZ Death to Life 1.212
34th flag CA Set Apart 1.176

Parliamentary Debate

Place Team Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st - flag 5-0 6-0 CA Axiom 18 ✔
2nd - flag 4-1 4-2 AZ Death to Life 9 ✔
3rd - flag 4-1 4-1 CA Half Baked 6 ✔
4th - flag 4-1 4-1 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 4.5 ✔
5th - flag 3-2 3-2 CA Ex Nihilo 3.6 ✔
6th - flag 3-2 3-2 CA SOPHOS 3 ✔
7th - flag 3-2 3-2 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.571 ✔
8th - flag 3-2 3-2 CA EPIC2 2.25
9th - flag 2-3 2-3 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2
10th - flag 2-3 2-3 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.8
11th - flag 2-3 2-3 CA Ex Nihilo 1.636
12th - flag 2-3 2-3 CA Set Apart 1.5
13th - flag 2-3 2-3 CA Set Apart 1.385
14th - flag 2-3 2-3 CA Ex Nihilo 1.286
15th - flag 2-3 2-3 CA Control 1.25

Parliamentary Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Axiom 30 ✔
2nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 15 ✔
3rd flag CA SOPHOS 10 ✔
4th flag AZ Death to Life 7.5 ✔
5th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 6 ✔
6th flag CA Half Baked 5 ✔
7th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 4.286 ✔
8th flag CA Set Apart 3.75 ✔
9th flag CA Ex Nihilo 3.333 ✔
10th flag CA SOPHOS 3 ✔
11th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.727 ✔
12th flag AZ Death to Life 2.5 ✔
13th flag CA EPIC2 2.308 ✔
14th flag CA Ex Nihilo 2.143 ✔
15th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2
16th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.875
17th flag FL Apollos 1.765
18th flag WA Validus 1.667
19th flag CA Set Apart 1.579
20th flag CA SOPHOS 1.5
21st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.429
22nd flag CA Apollos 1.364
23rd flag CA Half Baked 1.304
24th flag CA Control 1.25
25th flag CA Set Apart 1.2
26th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.154
27th flag CA EPIC2 1.111
28th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.071
29th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.034

Team Policy Debate

Place Team Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st - flag 5-1 5-1 CA Axiom 17 ✔
2nd - flag 5-1 5-1 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 8.5 ✔
3rd - flag 5-1 5-1 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 5.667 ✔
4th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.25 ✔
5th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 3.4 ✔
6th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.833 ✔
7th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA SOPHOS 2.429
8th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Apollos 2.125
9th - flag 3-3 3-3 FL Apollos 1.889
10th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Ex Nihilo 1.7
11th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Apollos 1.545
12th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ex Nihilo 1.417
13th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ex Nihilo 1.308
14th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ex Nihilo 1.214
15th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.2
16th - flag 2-4 2-4 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.2

Team Policy Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 34 ✔
2nd flag CA Axiom 17 ✔
3rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 11.333 ✔
4th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 8.5 ✔
5th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 6.8 ✔
6th flag CA SOPHOS 5.667 ✔
7th flag CA SOPHOS 4.857 ✔
8th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.25 ✔
9th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3.778 ✔
10th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 3.4 ✔
11th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 3.091 ✔
12th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.833 ✔
13th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.615 ✔
14th flag CA Apollos 2.429
15th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.267
16th flag CA Apollos 2.125
17th flag CA Apollos 2
18th flag FL Apollos 1.889
19th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.789
20th flag CA Apollos 1.7
21st flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.619
22nd flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.545
23rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.478
24th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.417
25th flag CA Ex Nihilo 1.36
26th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.308
27th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 1.259
28th flag CA Apollos 1.214