Combined Speech and Debate Rankings

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Displaying records 181 - 240 of 1541 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
181st 77.669
182nd 76.929
183rd 76.913
184th 76.819
185th 76.513
186th 76.509
187th 76.208
188th 76.115
189th 75.561
190th 75.43
191st 74.667
192nd 74.561
193rd 74.117
194th 74.06
195th 73.867
196th 73.844
197th 73.765
198th 72.282
199th 71.884
200th 71.457
201st 70.491
202nd 70.454
203rd 70.428
204th 68.478
205th 68.269
206th 67.508
207th 67.371
208th 66.765
209th 65.586
210th 65.304
211th 65.046
212th 64.505
213th 64.209
214th 64.007
215th 63.684
216th 63.163
217th 62.615
218th 62.498
219th 62.335
220th 61.624
221st 61.184
222nd 60.869
223rd 59.645
224th 59.613
225th 59.105
226th 58.67
227th 57.377
228th 57.023
229th 56.936
230th 56.778
231st 56.676
232nd 56.648
233rd 56.517
234th 56.316
235th 55.418
236th 55.364
237th 54.908
238th 54.272
239th 54.248
240th 54.136