Combined Speech and Debate Rankings in California

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Displaying records 1 - 60 of 353 in total

Rank Name State Debate Club Speech Club Points
1st 442.784
2nd 379.039
3rd 357.407
4th 329.004
5th 322.396
6th 319.722
7th 290.75
8th 277.441
9th 244.848
10th 196.609
11th 187.171
12th 167.154
13th 166.226
14th 150.623
15th 145.586
16th 141.685
17th 139.271
18th 138.991
19th 132.586
20th 131.094
21st 123.308
22nd 116.297
23rd 114.145
24th 112.865
25th 106.585
26th 103.132
27th 100.554
28th 96.073
29th 92.733
30th 91.81
31st 91.181
32nd 85.256
33rd 84.659
34th 82.304
35th 81.924
36th 81.75
37th 80.981
38th 78.405
39th 78.025
40th 76.208
41st 75.43
42nd 74.06
43rd 73.867
44th 73.844
45th 70.454
46th 70.428
47th 67.371
48th 67.117
49th 58.67
50th 56.936
51st 55.418
52nd 54.248
53rd 53.722
54th 53.15
55th 49.3
56th 47.794
57th 46.639
58th 46.286
59th 46.093
60th 46.017