Tournament Info

League: Stoa
Location: Livermore, California
Start date: Thursday, January 16, 2025
End date: Saturday, January 18, 2025



Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA The French Never Surrender 55 ✔
2nd flag CA Fortitude 27.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 18.333 ✔
4th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 13.75 ✔
5th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 11 ✔
6th flag CA Envoy 9.167 ✔
7th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 7.857 ✔
8th flag CA Apollos 6.875 ✔
9th flag CA Voyagers 6.111 ✔
10th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 5.5 ✔
11th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 5 ✔
12th flag CA Response 4.583 ✔
13th flag CA Legacy 4.231 ✔
14th flag CA Apollos 3.929 ✔
15th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 3.667 ✔
16th flag CA Response 3.438 ✔
17th flag CA Legacy 3.235 ✔
18th flag CA Apollos 3.056 ✔
19th flag CA Apollos 2.895 ✔
20th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.75 ✔
21st flag CA Response 2.619 ✔
22nd flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 2.5 ✔
23rd flag CA Fortitude 2.391
24th flag CA Independence Hall 2.292
25th flag CA Independence Hall 2.2
26th flag CA Thunder Chickens 2.115
27th flag OK LAUNCH 2.037
28th flag CA Ag & Au 1.964
29th flag CA Envoy 1.897
30th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.833
31st flag CA Fortitude 1.774
32nd flag CA Fortitude 1.719
33rd flag CA Apollos 1.667
34th flag CA Envoy 1.618
35th flag CA Response 1.571
36th flag CA Reason 1.528
37th flag CA Apollos 1.486
38th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.447
39th flag AZ Apollos 1.41
40th flag CA Legacy 1.375
41st flag CA Envoy 1.341
42nd flag CA Voyagers 1.31
43rd flag CA Legacy 1.279
44th flag CA Response 1.25
45th flag CA Thunder Chickens 1.222
46th flag CA Legacy 1.196

Dramatic Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA The French Never Surrender 6 ✔
2nd flag CA Legacy 3 ✔
3rd flag CA Capital 2
4th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.5
5th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.2

Duo Interpretation

Place Team Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st - flag CA D.O.C. 11 ✔
2nd - flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 5.5 ✔
3rd - flag CA Apollos 3.667 ✔
4th - flag CA Response 2.75 ✔
5th - flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 2.2
6th - flag CA Fortitude 1.833
7th - flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.571
8th - flag CA Legacy 1.375
9th - flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.222


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Fortitude 9 ✔
2nd flag CA Exclamation Point! 4.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Response 3 ✔
4th flag CA Legacy 2.25
5th flag CA Legacy 1.8
6th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.5
7th flag CA Tenacity Speech and Debate 1.286


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 36 ✔
2nd flag CA Independence Hall 18 ✔
3rd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 12 ✔
4th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 9 ✔
5th flag CA Fortitude 7.2 ✔
6th flag CA SOPHOS 6 ✔
7th flag CA Apollos 5.143 ✔
8th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 4.5 ✔
9th flag CA Response 4 ✔
10th flag CA Envoy 3.6 ✔
11th flag OK LAUNCH 3.273 ✔
12th flag CA Envoy 3 ✔
13th flag AZ Apollos 2.769 ✔
14th flag CA Fortitude 2.571 ✔
15th flag CA Legacy 2.4
16th flag CA Legacy 2.25
17th flag CA Response 2.118
18th flag CA Exclamation Point! 2
19th flag CA Response 1.895
20th flag CA Apollos 1.8
21st flag CA Independence Hall 1.714
22nd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.636
23rd flag CA Ag & Au 1.565
24th flag CA Envoy 1.5
25th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 1.44
26th flag CA Envoy 1.385
27th flag CA The Truman Show 1.333
28th flag CA Apollos 1.286
29th flag CA Legacy 1.241
30th flag CA Response 1.2

Humorous Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Capital 9 ✔
2nd flag CA D.O.C. 4.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Response 3 ✔
4th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 2.25
5th flag CA Legacy 1.8
6th flag CA Response 1.5
7th flag CA Legacy 1.286


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 25%?
1st flag CA The French Never Surrender 77 ✔
2nd flag CA Fortitude 38.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Voyagers 25.667 ✔
4th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 19.25 ✔
5th flag OK LAUNCH 15.4 ✔
6th flag CA Response 12.833 ✔
7th flag CA SOPHOS 11 ✔
8th flag CA Apollos 9.625 ✔
9th flag CA Fortitude 8.556 ✔
10th flag CA Response 7.7 ✔
11th flag CA Exclamation Point! 7 ✔
12th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 6.417 ✔
13th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 5.923 ✔
14th flag CA Legacy 5.5 ✔
15th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 5.133 ✔
16th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.813 ✔
17th flag CA Thunder Chickens 4.529 ✔
18th flag CA Response 4.278 ✔
19th flag CA Apollos 4.053 ✔
20th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 3.85
21st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3.667
22nd flag CA Legacy 3.5
23rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 3.348
24th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 3.208
25th flag CA Apollos 3.08
26th flag CA Envoy 2.962
27th flag CA Envoy 2.852
28th flag CA Independence Hall 2.75
29th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 2.655
30th flag CA Response 2.567
31st flag CA Apollos 2.484
32nd flag CA Apollos 2.406
33rd flag CA Fortitude 2.333
34th flag CA Ag & Au 2.265
35th flag CA Apollos 2.2
36th flag CA Exclamation Point! 2.139
37th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 2.081
38th flag CA Ag & Au 2.026
39th flag CA Legacy 1.974
40th flag CA Response 1.925
41st flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.878
42nd flag CA Envoy 1.833
43rd flag CA Legacy 1.791
44th flag CA Voyagers 1.75
45th flag AZ Apollos 1.711
46th flag CA Response 1.674
47th flag CA Fortitude 1.638
48th flag CA Envoy 1.604
49th flag CA Legacy 1.571
50th flag CA Legacy 1.54
51st flag CA Response 1.51
52nd flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.481
53rd flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.453
54th flag NV Ag & Au 1.426
55th flag CA M&M 1.4
56th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.375
57th flag CA Response 1.351
58th flag CA Control 1.328
59th flag CA Response 1.305
60th flag CA Independence Hall 1.283
61st flag CA Response 1.262
62nd flag NV Ag & Au 1.242
63rd flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.222
64th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.203
65th flag CA Response 1.185

Mars Hill

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Voyagers 27 ✔
2nd flag CA Independence Hall 13.5 ✔
3rd flag CA SOPHOS 9 ✔
4th flag CA Envoy 6.75 ✔
5th flag CA The French Never Surrender 5.4 ✔
6th flag OK LAUNCH 4.5 ✔
7th flag CA Legacy 3.857 ✔
8th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3.375 ✔
9th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 3 ✔
10th flag CA Fortitude 2.7 ✔
11th flag CA Thunder Chickens 2.455
12th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.25
13th flag CA Response 2.077
14th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.929
15th flag CA Response 1.8
16th flag CA Response 1.688
17th flag CA Envoy 1.588
18th flag CA Legacy 1.5
19th flag CA Response 1.421
20th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 1.35
21st flag CA Fortitude 1.286
22nd flag CA Response 1.227

Open Interpretation

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 17 ✔
2nd flag CA The French Never Surrender 8.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Independence Hall 5.667 ✔
4th flag CA Response 4.25 ✔
5th flag CA Legacy 3.4 ✔
6th flag CA Legacy 2.833 ✔
7th flag CA Legacy 2.429
8th flag CA Voyagers 2.125
9th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.889
10th flag CA Voyagers 1.7
11th flag CA Response 1.545
12th flag CA Response 1.417
13th flag CA Response 1.308
14th flag CA Legacy 1.214

Original Oratory

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Blessed 43 ✔
2nd flag OK LAUNCH 21.5 ✔
3rd flag CA Response 14.333 ✔
4th flag CA SOPHOS 10.75 ✔
5th flag CA Voyagers 8.6 ✔
6th flag CA Independence Hall 7.167 ✔
7th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 6.143 ✔
8th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 5.375 ✔
9th flag CA Thunder Chickens 4.778 ✔
10th flag CA Capital 4.3 ✔
11th flag CA Legacy 3.909 ✔
12th flag CA The Truman Show 3.583 ✔
13th flag CA Response 3.308 ✔
14th flag CA Envoy 3.071 ✔
15th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 2.867 ✔
16th flag CA Independence Hall 2.688 ✔
17th flag CA Legacy 2.529 ✔
18th flag CA Tenacity Speech and Debate 2.389
19th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 2.263
20th flag CA Exclamation Point! 2.15
21st flag CA Legacy 2.048
22nd flag CA Tenacity Speech and Debate 1.955
23rd flag CA Exclamation Point! 1.87
24th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.792
25th flag CA Tenacity Speech and Debate 1.72
26th flag CA Response 1.654
27th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.593
28th flag CA Legacy 1.536
29th flag CA Capital 1.483
30th flag CA Legacy 1.433
31st flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.387
32nd flag CA Legacy 1.344
33rd flag CA Legacy 1.303
34th flag CA Legacy 1.265
35th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.229
36th flag NV Ag & Au 1.194


Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Independence Hall 28 ✔
2nd flag CA Blessed 14 ✔
3rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 9.333 ✔
4th flag CA Envoy 7 ✔
5th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 5.6 ✔
6th flag CA Voyagers 4.667 ✔
7th flag CA Legacy 4 ✔
8th flag CA Reason 3.5 ✔
9th flag CA Independence Hall 3.111 ✔
10th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 2.8 ✔
11th flag CA Ag & Au 2.545 ✔
12th flag CA Legacy 2.333
13th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.154
14th flag CA Legacy 2
15th flag CA D.O.C. 1.867
16th flag CA Apex Debate 1.75
17th flag NV Ag & Au 1.647
18th flag CA Legacy 1.556
19th flag CA Independence Hall 1.474
20th flag CA Response 1.4
21st flag CA Legacy 1.333
22nd flag CA Apex Debate 1.273
23rd flag CA Response 1.217

Slam Poetry

Place Student Name State Speech Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Independence Hall 20 ✔
2nd flag CA Legacy 10 ✔
3rd flag CA The French Never Surrender 6.667 ✔
4th flag CA Capital 5 ✔
5th flag CA Capital 4 ✔
6th flag CA Response 3.333 ✔
7th flag CA Apollos 2.857 ✔
8th flag CA Response 2.5 ✔
9th flag CA Tenacity Speech and Debate 2.222
10th flag CA Legacy 2
11th flag CA Voyagers 1.818
12th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.667
13th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 1.538
14th flag CA Response 1.429
15th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.333
16th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.25
17th flag CA Voyagers 1.176

Lincoln Douglas Value Debate

Place Student Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st flag 4-2 7-2 CA Voyagers 36 ✔
2nd flag 4-2 6-3 CA Voyagers 18 ✔
3rd flag 5-1 6-2 CA Contend Speech & Debate 12 ✔
4th flag 4-2 5-3 CA The French Never Surrender 9 ✔
5th flag 5-1 5-2 CA Fortitude 7.2 ✔
6th flag 5-1 5-2 CA Ad Dei Gloriam 6 ✔
7th flag 5-1 5-2 CA SOPHOS 5.143 ✔
8th flag 4-2 4-3 CA Nexus Debate 4.5 ✔
9th flag 4-2 4-2 OK LAUNCH 4 ✔
10th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Fortitude 3.6 ✔
11th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Voyagers 3.273 ✔
12th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Response 3 ✔
13th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Ad Dei Gloriam 2.769 ✔
14th flag 4-2 4-2 CA Response 2.571 ✔
15th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Fortitude 2.4
16th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Contend Speech & Debate 2.25
17th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Nexus Debate 2.118
18th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 2
19th flag 3-3 3-3 CA Envoy 1.895
20th flag 3-3 3-3 CA SOPHOS 1.8
21st flag 3-3 3-3 CA Voyagers 1.714
22nd flag 3-3 3-3 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.636
23rd flag 3-3 3-3 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.565
24th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Fortitude 1.5
25th flag 2-4 2-4 CA The Truman Show 1.44
26th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.385
27th flag 2-4 2-4 CA M&M 1.333
28th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Nexus Debate 1.286
29th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Apex Debate 1.241
30th flag 2-4 2-4 CA Fortitude 1.2
31st flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.2
32nd flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.2

Lincoln Douglas Value Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 36 ✔
2nd flag CA Fortitude 18 ✔
3rd flag CA Voyagers 12 ✔
4th flag CA The French Never Surrender 9 ✔
5th flag CA Nexus Debate 7.2 ✔
6th flag CA Voyagers 6 ✔
7th flag OK LAUNCH 5.143 ✔
8th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 4.5 ✔
9th flag CA Fortitude 4 ✔
10th flag CA Voyagers 3.6 ✔
11th flag CA Envoy 3.273 ✔
12th flag CA Fortitude 3 ✔
13th flag CA Response 2.769 ✔
14th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 2.571 ✔
15th flag CA SOPHOS 2.4
16th flag CA Nexus Debate 2.25
17th flag CA Response 2.118
18th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 2
19th flag CA SOPHOS 1.895
20th flag CA Fortitude 1.8
21st flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.714
22nd flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.636
23rd flag CA The Truman Show 1.565
24th flag CA Response 1.5
25th flag CA Response 1.44
26th flag CA Envoy 1.385
27th flag CA Voyagers 1.333
28th flag CA Fortitude 1.286
29th flag CA M&M 1.241
30th flag CA Apex Debate 1.2

Parliamentary Debate

Place Team Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st - flag 5-1 6-1 AZ Apollos 26 ✔
2nd - flag 5-1 5-2 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 13 ✔
3rd - flag 5-1 5-1 CA Apollos 8.667 ✔
4th - flag 4-2 4-2 OK LAUNCH 6.5 ✔
5th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA The French Never Surrender 5.2 ✔
6th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Response 4.333 ✔
7th - flag 4-2 4-2 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3.714 ✔
8th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Apollos 3.25 ✔
9th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Fortitude 2.889 ✔
10th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Voyagers 2.6 ✔
11th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Contend Speech & Debate 2.364
12th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Envoy 2.167
13th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 2
14th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.857
15th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.733
16th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.625
17th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Envoy 1.529
18th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.444
19th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Nexus Debate 1.368
20th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.3
21st - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.238
22nd - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.2
23rd - flag 2-4 2-4 NV Ag & Au 1.2

Parliamentary Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag AZ Apollos 52 ✔
2nd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 26 ✔
3rd flag CA LOGOS Colorado 17.333 ✔
4th flag CA Apollos 13 ✔
5th flag OK LAUNCH 10.4 ✔
6th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 8.667 ✔
7th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 7.429 ✔
8th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 6.5 ✔
9th flag CA Apollos 5.778 ✔
10th flag CA Apollos 5.2 ✔
11th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 4.727 ✔
12th flag CA The French Never Surrender 4.333 ✔
13th flag CA Ad Dei Gloriam 4 ✔
14th flag CA Response 3.714 ✔
15th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 3.467 ✔
16th flag CA Response 3.25 ✔
17th flag CA SOPHOS 3.059 ✔
18th flag CA Fortitude 2.889 ✔
19th flag CA Response 2.737 ✔
20th flag CA Response 2.6 ✔
21st flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 2.476
22nd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.364
23rd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.261
24th flag CA Envoy 2.167
25th flag CA Nexus Debate 2.08
26th flag CA Apollos 2
27th flag CA Fortitude 1.926
28th flag CA Response 1.857
29th flag CA Fortitude 1.793
30th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.733
31st flag CA Response 1.677
32nd flag CA Response 1.625
33rd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.576
34th flag CA Envoy 1.529
35th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.486
36th flag CA Voyagers 1.444
37th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.405
38th flag CA Nexus Debate 1.368
39th flag CA Contend Speech & Debate 1.333
40th flag CA Response 1.3
41st flag CA Envoy 1.268
42nd flag CA Envoy 1.238
43rd flag CA Response 1.209
44th flag CA Ag & Au 1.182

Team Policy Debate

Place Team Name Prelim Overall State Debate Club Points Top 38%?
1st - flag 4-2 7-2 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 49 ✔
2nd - flag 5-1 7-2 CA Response 24.5 ✔
3rd - flag 6-0 7-1 CA CLASH Debate Club 16.333 ✔
4th - flag 5-1 6-2 CA Envoy 12.25 ✔
5th - flag 5-1 5-2 CA Response 9.8 ✔
6th - flag 5-1 5-2 AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 8.167 ✔
7th - flag 5-1 5-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 7 ✔
8th - flag 4-2 4-3 CA LOGOS Colorado 6.125 ✔
9th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Apollos 5.444 ✔
10th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 4.9 ✔
11th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Apollos 4.455 ✔
12th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Veritas Speech and Debate 4.083 ✔
13th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 3.769 ✔
14th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Envoy 3.5 ✔
15th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 3.267 ✔
16th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Response 3.063 ✔
17th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA CLASH Debate Club 2.882 ✔
18th - flag 4-2 4-2 CA Nexus Debate 2.722 ✔
19th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 2.579 ✔
20th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 2.45
21st - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 2.333
22nd - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Capital 2.227
23rd - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 2.13
24th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 2.042
25th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.96
26th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA CLASH Debate Club 1.885
27th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Apollos 1.815
28th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Capital 1.75
29th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 1.69
30th - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Response 1.633
31st - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Apollos 1.581
32nd - flag 3-3 3-3 CA Ag & Au 1.531
33rd - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Apollos 1.485
34th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.441
35th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA D.O.C. 1.4
36th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Apex Debate 1.361
37th - flag 2-4 2-4 NV Ag & Au 1.324
38th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.289
39th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.256
40th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ag & Au 1.225
41st - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Apex Debate 1.2
42nd - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.2
43rd - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Ag & Au 1.2
44th - flag 2-4 2-4 CA Response 1.2

Team Policy Speaker

Place Student Name State Debate Club Points Top 40%?
1st flag CA Envoy 98 ✔
2nd flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 49 ✔
3rd flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 32.667 ✔
4th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 24.5 ✔
5th flag CA LOGOS Colorado 19.6 ✔
6th flag AZ Apollos 16.333 ✔
7th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 14 ✔
8th flag CA Apollos 12.25 ✔
9th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 10.889 ✔
10th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 9.8 ✔
11th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 8.909 ✔
12th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 8.167 ✔
13th flag CA Envoy 7.538 ✔
14th flag CA Apollos 7 ✔
15th flag AZ Mars Hill Speech & Debate 6.533 ✔
16th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 6.125 ✔
17th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 5.765 ✔
18th flag CA Apollos 5.444 ✔
19th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 5.158 ✔
20th flag CA Apollos 4.9 ✔
21st flag CA Response 4.667 ✔
22nd flag CA Response 4.455 ✔
23rd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 4.261 ✔
24th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 4.083 ✔
25th flag CA Response 3.92 ✔
26th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 3.769 ✔
27th flag CA Response 3.63 ✔
28th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 3.5 ✔
29th flag CA Envoy 3.379 ✔
30th flag CA Apex Debate 3.267 ✔
31st flag CA Envoy 3.161 ✔
32nd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 3.063 ✔
33rd flag CA Response 2.97 ✔
34th flag CA Ag & Au 2.882 ✔
35th flag CA Veritas Speech and Debate 2.8 ✔
36th flag CA Apollos 2.722 ✔
37th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.649 ✔
38th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.579 ✔
39th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.513 ✔
40th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.45
41st flag CA Response 2.39
42nd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.333
43rd flag CA Response 2.279
44th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.227
45th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 2.178
46th flag CA Response 2.13
47th flag CA Response 2.085
48th flag CA Response 2.042
49th flag CA Response 2
50th flag CA Capital 1.96
51st flag CA Apex Debate 1.922
52nd flag CA Response 1.885
53rd flag CA Response 1.849
54th flag CA Capital 1.815
55th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.782
56th flag NV Ag & Au 1.75
57th flag CA Apollos 1.719
58th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.69
59th flag NV Ag & Au 1.661
60th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.633
61st flag CA Ag & Au 1.607
62nd flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.581
63rd flag CA Response 1.556
64th flag CA CLASH Debate Club 1.531
65th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.508
66th flag CA Apex Debate 1.485
67th flag CA Apollos 1.463
68th flag CA Response 1.441
69th flag CA Ag & Au 1.42
70th flag CA Nexus Debate 1.4
71st flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.38
72nd flag CA Capital 1.361
73rd flag CA D.O.C. 1.342
74th flag CA D.O.C. 1.324
75th flag CA Ag & Au 1.307
76th flag CA Ag & Au 1.289
77th flag CA Apollos 1.273
78th flag CA Apollos 1.256
79th flag CA Response 1.241
80th flag CA Elevate Speech and Debate 1.225
81st flag CA Ag & Au 1.21
82nd flag CA Capital 1.195
83rd flag CA Nexus Debate 1.181